About Eduko
Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd., Eduko is a vocational training institute involving annually approximately 6 500 students in various training activities. Eduko employs more than 300 experts on education, counselling, administration and other services.
Eduko is jointly owned by City of Kouvola and Kouvola Adult Education Foundation and is a duly licensed operator by the Ministry of Education and Science and a certified member of Education Finland. Eduko is also an Erasmus+ accredited organization.
Eduko offers a wide range of learning opportunities for individuals and work teams. Training programmes focus on enhancing skills and expertise that are essential in the modern working life. Education, operations and learning environments are developed in close cooperation with working life and companies.
The objective of studies can be either a vocational qualification (basic, advanced, or specialized) with duration of 1,5 – 3 years, continuous education for 3 – 9 months or a further training course or working life certificate training lasting 1 – 60 days. Additionally, Eduko offers language and integration training for immigrants and preparatory education for vocational training. Eduko also offers competence mapping, job search coaching, career counselling and recruitment services to both students and employers. Our business and working life service team supports companies and organizations e.g. in different changing situations, recruiting and determining funding options.
Individual study plans are made according to student’s goals, prior studies, relevant experience, and work history. Learning environments are versatile and flexible; contact teaching on modern campuses, on-line studies and on-the-job learning according to the student´s individual needs.
The vocational qualifications are competence based and the student´s performance is evaluated in co-operation with the working life representatives. On-the-job learning is a vital part of the learning process.
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Where is Kouvola?
Kouvola is located in South-East Finland. It’s about 140 kilometers from our capital Helsinki. You can easily travel Kouvola by train from everywhere in Finland.