Education exports

Vocational qualifications and country of origin training for groups

Degree-oriented training is offered as group training on demand. Group training is a fee-based training business where students are recruited and selected in close cooperation with a partner in the country of origin. The training packages are tailored to the specific commission and may include both vocational and language training in the country of origin and in Finland, both online and face-to-face. To support the students’ employment, employers and working life co-operation play an important role in the training process.

In the context of labour migration, we also carry out skills assessments tailored to the needs of Finnish employers, as well as training in the country of origin.

Training exports are particularly targeted at sectors with labour shortages, such as social and health services, catering, metalworking and cleaning services.

Tailormade Education Programmes for Teachers and Educational Institutions

For countries aiming to enhance the performance of their education systems, we offer expertise to evaluate current performance and to design and execute development- and training programmes. In addition to development of vocational education curricula we offer development programmes to adopt and enhance the use of digital learning environments as well as quality management of educational institutions.

Our programmes are designed and developed to cover all vocational and further education. We also offer organizational development programmes which are more set to fine-tune and reshape existing structures and approaches. We help organizations to find the best training and working solutions to their challenges through learning and education. The duration of these programmes can vary from one week to several months and can be e.g.

  • 1 – 5 days workshops for vocational teachers to improve the curricula, learning methods, can be arranged in Finland or abroad
  • 5 – 10 days job-shadowing programmes for vocational teachers
  • 1 – 10 days development programmes for principals and management of educational institutions
  • 1 – 5 day showcases and workshops to improve the use of digital learning environments
  • 1 – 5 day showcases and workshops to improve the working life co-operation in vocational education
  • 1 – 5 day showcases and workshops to improve the evaluation and quality management in vocational education

Master Classes

The duration of a Master Class typically varies from one to three weeks, and the duration of an Intensive Training Programme can vary from one week up to an academic year depending on the programme’s specific objectives. Master Classes are offered for both teachers and students in vocational education.

Technical and Educational Visits

Our unique Technical Visit concept provides you with an insight into the Finnish education system and expertise. Educational and Technical visits are customized and designed to showcase Finnish practices in education and in businesses. For groups interested in study opportunities at the Eduko we offer educational visits. We help you to connect with the Eduko´s professionals, companies, and government organizations. The duration of a visit can vary from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the group’s specific requirements.


Finland is one of the safest countries in the world with excellent and internationally high-ranking education for children. For children we offer innovative educational activities in dedicated science, sport and language centers, surrounded by Finnish nature. We offer Camps which are all tailored to the needs and wishes of each group and can take place both in summer and in winter. The educational activities support the development of 21st century skills and utilize innovative Finnish pedagogical approaches and methods. The duration of a Camp is typically from one to two weeks.

For more information, please contact:

Tuija Arola
PhD., Development Director
Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd.
Global Education Services Eduko
tel. +358 40 849 3838

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